10 Signs That You’re in a Healthy Relationship

 You and your partner enjoy exploring new restaurants, going on long bike rides, and traveling together, but there are other factors to consider when it comes to being happy and healthy in a relationship than sharing common interests.

What really constitutes a healthy relationship? “A great partnership is a safe environment for both people to love, honor, and respect one another,” says Jennifer Howell, a Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina-based leadership and relationship coach. You can express your desires, needs, and boundaries while also listening to the other person.

According to Mary Jo Rapini, a licensed intimacy and sex psychotherapist in Houston, a healthy relationship is important to cultivate because the opposite — a toxic relationship — takes a toll on your quality of life by heightening depression and anxiety, affecting sleep, causing you to adopt unhealthy habits, and even affecting heart health.

According to a study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in August 2019, being in a high-quality romantic relationship is related with better well-being. According to the study, being single is considerably better for one’s well-being than being in a less happy relationship.

Furthermore, many couples in toxic relationships are unaware of it, especially if they grew up in a household where it was the norm, according to Rapini. As a result, knowing where yours stands is much more vital.

Here are 10 signs that you and your partner are a good match:

1. You Are Unafraid to Speak Out

10 Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship
 10 Signs That You’re in a Healthy Relationship

When your partner does something you don’t like, it’s simple to notice – whether they don’t call you for two days or don’t help out around the home when you live together. But, it is not always simple to speak up and express your feelings to your significant other. “It takes a lot of strength, self-confidence, and courage to come from a vulnerable place,” Howell says. You will feel confident enough in a good relationship to be candid with your mate.

2. You respect each other.

You don’t have to enjoy everything your partner does, but you must respect each other. You and your significant other must recognize that you are each unique individuals with distinct interests and desires. Even if you don’t share all of your partner’s interests, a healthy relationship respects and accepts your differences.

3. The Connection Is Built on Trust

Trust is essential in all relationships, but with social media and cellphones, snooping has become all too easy. But you don’t have to do that in a healthy relationship. This is due, in part, to your spouse demonstrating their trustworthiness. “They’re dependable and accessible.” “They’ll be there when they say they’ll be there,” Rapini says. They also demonstrate their trust in you by allowing you the freedom and space you require without continuously checking in on you — including checking your phone, she claims.

4. You’re both invested in your relationship.

According to a 2020 assessment of dozens of relationship research, feeling dedicated to your mate is the best indicator of a healthy union. 2 If you believe your partner is in it for the long haul and your partner believes the same of you, your relationship is probably healthy.

5. You understand each other’s love language

10 Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship
 10 Signs That You’re in a Healthy Relationship

For good reason, many couples swear by the book The 5 Love Languages: it teaches you how to identify your partner’s “love language” – the method they prefer to give and receive love (through words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch). According to Howell, in a healthy relationship, you’ve taken the time to learn each other’s “love language” so you may show your love in a way that works for both of you.

6. You’re kind to each other.

Both sides in a healthy relationship treat one other with care and concern. Every couple bickers at times, but individuals in healthy relationships are kind to one another even when they disagree.

8. You are willing to disagree on certain issues.

Every relationship has a quarrel. But, contrary to popular belief, you do not need to address every issue. In fact, it’s perfectly fine to have a few things on which you and your partner will never agree. “It’s perfectly fair to agree to disagree.” “I think that’s healthy fighting,” Rapini says. “At least five issues are ‘no talkers’ in good partnerships.” They’re the areas on which you and your partner disagree, and that’s fine.”

9. You really  enjoy each other’s company.

It is important for couples to have separate hobbies and spend time apart, but healthy couples also love spending time together, whether they binge-watch a TV show together, work out together, or have regular date evenings.

10. You motivate each other to achieve your goals.

“Many of us have a dream or vision for our lives, and especially as we get older, we want to keep those visions,” Howell adds. It’s alright, according to Howell, if your dreams don’t coincide as long as you “respect and encourage each other to reach your goals.”


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